New Seward Animal Shelter Updated

Hello, everyone!

Last night the city council approved the resolution to build the new shelter on Sea Lion Ave across from the grade school.  This is huge!  A big step to making the new shelter a reality!  Thank you, everyone, who helped make this happen (yeah- Jackie and Andy)!

At past new shelter meetings, we discussed having a fundraiser at the Seward Music and Art Festival.  SOS Pets is organizing a coat check where folks can leave their bags and coats for a donation.  We need volunteers to help man the booth, especially could use assistance in the evening hours.

Volunteers get free admission to SMAF!

If you can help, please follow the link below.  If you have any questions, contact Christiana or myself.  And please feel free to share this invite with friends.

Thank you!


SOS Pets

PS- hope for cold weather so folks wear their coats to SMAF!  :)

Stephanie MillaneComment